Photo animation on tiktok
Photo animation on tiktok

When I first saw the guy who had done it with old relatives I still thought it was unsettling not because of that video specifically, but because I immediately thought about what else this could be used for. I agree that this new technology is very creepy and even unsettling. I also saw both the Tik Tok videos on my for you page that you are talking about. I think TikTok should review the videos posted by users and make sure that they conform to public order before they can be seen by other users. If we use it correctly, it will bring positive energy back to people. I think there is no problem with the technology itself, the problem lies with the people who use it. As for the pictures of murderers you said, this should be the evil taste of a very small number of people. I think this is a method that everyone uses to decompress.

photo animation on tiktok

Others will apply this new technology to pictures of their babies. Then they can see their relatives making some cute expressions, as if they are talking to them. Some people apply this technology to the pictures of their deceased relatives. In the videos I saw, almost all of them were positive and sunny animations. It can make a still face image move and make some cute expressions. But overall the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages. I think this new technology has advantages and disadvantages. Technology is only going to keep growing, which is a good thing, but as a world we need to try and prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. We have basically seen one of the most dramatic changes in cell phone history (smartphones). I think technology is a very very very good thing, especially for our generation because we have basically grown up with the up and coming of technology. What if, now this is smaller scale but it still works for a bad example, but what if someone who would be considered a bully in grade school or even high school used the technology to basically make a false video go viral in the school? What if in this video it shows a certain person doing something embarrassing or something the person wouldn’t want all over the internet? The person being bullied would never have the chance to defend themselves because the video would look real (even though it is not). I think this could be one of the positives of this very new technology but, it definitely has a downside to it, anything these days seems like it has a downside. Think about, what if this technology went past just a filter or an app, what if instead the government could use it in some way to get very bad criminals to “flip” by having the FBI show them a picture of what shows them being around certain people and then the criminal proceeds to spill his guts. With any technology these days, it always has the possibility of falling into the wrong hands and being used for something that is not what it was meant for. I think that no matter way you look at this it could either go really bad or really good. This entry was posted in Uncategorized by Genna Zagoren. But, how do you feel about this? An app that can turn photos into animated beings… bringing old family members to life, people in jail, or old friends you haven’t seen in a while? Is this new technology good or bad?

photo animation on tiktok

If you look at the comments the article has taken from the video you can see the mixed reviews.

Photo animation on tiktok serial#

Because it is so realistic, it is slightly creepy even if it is an old photo of a family member… or a serial killer. I did some more research because it reminded me of this class and it seems that the world agrees, it’s cool but so scary. The idea of using it on serial killers was so unsettling to me and was so creepy to see their faces move, knowing they had murdered people. (It was on if anyone wants to check it out… why it was on my for you page, I couldn’t tell you I have no idea.) Besides the point, it was the same animation thing that Thomas previously had used on his family. I liked the idea of it and moved on, no questions asked.Ī few nights later, somehow on my for you page, a video came up about “reanimated serial killer mugshots” which was slightly terrifying. The other day I had run across a Tik Tok that was this kid animating old pictures of his grandparents, great grandparents, great great grandparents… I thought it was so cool since the photos were so old and he was able to make their heads tilt, eyes open and close, look around, smile, etc.

Photo animation on tiktok